[2025] Our work Recover from Excessive Faults in Partially-Synchronous BFT SMR by Tiantian Gong, Gustavo Camilo, Kartik Nayak, Andrew Lewis-Pye, and Aniket Kate was accepted by USENIX Security 2025.
[2025] Our work Disincentivize Collusion in Verifiable Secret Sharing by Tiantian Gong, Aniket Kate, Hemanta K. Maji, and Hai Nguyen was accepted by EUROCRYPT 2025.
[2025] Our work The Case of FBA as a DEX Processing Model by Tiantian Gong, Zeyu Liu, and Aniket Kate was accepted by FC 2025.
[2024] Our work HomeRun: High-efficiency Oblivious Message Retrieval, Unrestricted by Yanxue Jia, Varun Madathil, and Aniket Kate was accepted by CCS 2024.
[2024] Our work HashRand: Efficient Asynchronous Random Beacon without Threshold Cryptographic Setup by Akhil Bandarupalli, Adithya Bhat, Saurabh Bagchi, Aniket Kate, and Michael Reiter was accepted by CCS 2024.
[2024] Our work More is Merrier: Relax the Non-Collusion Assumption in Multi-Server PIR by Tiantian Gong, Ryan Henry, Alexandros Psomas, and Aniket Kate was accepted by IEEE S&P 2024.
[2024] Our work Attacking and Improving the Tor Directory Protocol by Zhongtang Luo, Adithya Bhat, Kartik Nayak, and Aniket Kate was accepted by IEEE S&P 2024.
[Aug’23] Our work Front-running Attack in Sharded Blockchains and Fair Cross-shard Consensus by Jianting Zhang, Wuhui Chen, Sifu Luo, Tiantian Gong, Zicong Hong, and Aniket Kate was accepted by NDSS 2024.
[Aug’23] Our work EESMR: Energy Efficient BFT-SMR for the masses by Adithya Bhat, Akhil Bandarupalli, Manish Nagaraj, Saurabh Bagchi, Aniket Kate, and Michael K. Reiter was accepted by Middleware 2023.
[Jul’23] Our work SIM: Secure Interval Membership Testing and Applications to Secure Comparison by Albert Yu, Donghang Lu, Aniket Kate, and Hemanta K. Maji was accepted by Euro S&P 2023.
[Jul’23] Our work RPM: Robust Anonymity at Scale by Donghang Lu and Aniket Kate was accepted by PETS 2023.
[Jul’23] Our work Collusion-Deterrent Threshold Information Escrow by Easwar Mangipudi, Donghang Lu, Alexandros Psomas and Aniket Kate was accepted by CSF 2023.
[May’23] Our work The Unique Chain Rule and its Applications by Adithya Bhat, Akhil Bandarupalli, Saurabh Bagchi, Aniket Kate, and Michael K. Reiter was accepted by FC 2023.
[Feb’23] Our work OptRand: Optimistically Responsive Reconfigurable Distributed Randomness by Adithya Bhat, Nibesh Shrestha, Aniket Kate, and Kartik Nayak was accepted by NDSS 2023.
[Feb’23] Our collabrated work Breaking and Fixing Virtual Channels: Domino Attack and Donner with TU Wien was presented at NDSS 2023.
[Aug’22] Our work Empirical Understanding of Deletion Privacy: Experiences, Expectations, and Measures was presented at USENIX 2022.
[Apr’22] An updated version of our work OrgAn: Organizational Anonymity with Low Latency is available online with the code.
[Feb’22] Our work D-KODE: Mechanism to Generate and Maintain a Billion Keys appeared in SCRF Research Pulse.
[Jan‘22] The eprint of our work Uncovering Impact of Mental Models towards Adoption of Multi-device Crypto-Wallets is now available here.
[Dec‘21] The eprint of our work Divide and Funnel: a Scaling Technique for Mix-Networks is now available here.
[Oct‘21] An extended version of our Usenix 2022 paper is available here. This work examines the acceptable flow of ``Deletion events’’ with Contextual Integrity theory.
[Sept‘21] Our work Donner: UTXO-Based Virtual Channels Across Multiple Hops was presented online by Lukas Aumayr.
[Jun ‘21] Our work was published as a blog: A study develops a new protocol that makes cryptocurrency transactions faster and safer
[May ‘21] Aniket Kate will be a session chair for IEEE S\& P 2021 Session 12C: Anonymity in Crypto Currencies
[Feb ‘21] Our work Blitz: Secure Multi-Hop Payments Without Two-Phase Commits will appear in USENIX 2021.
[Feb ‘21] Our work Reparo appeared in FC Online Proceedings.
[Jan ‘21] Aniket organized Workshop on Real-World Decentralized Cryptography.
[Dec ‘20] Our work Towards Overcoming the Undercutting Problem was updated with additional analysis on Monero.
[Nov ‘20] Aniket joins CyManII. News
[Nov’20] Our work Verifiable Timed Signatures was presented at CCS ‘20.
[Nov’20] Our work Verifiable Timed Signatures goes online. Web link and Implementation.
[Aug’20] Mohsen successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis.
[Jul’20] Our work Towards Overcoming the Undercutting Problem eprint was published.
[Jul’20] Mohsen presented Moneymorph in PET Symposium, 2020.
[Jul’20] Duc presented A Tale of Two Trees in PET Symposium, 2020.
[Jul’20] Debajyothi presented a Comprehensive Anonymity Trilemma in PET Symposium, 2020.
[May’20] Mohsen published an eprint for Deceptive Deletions for Protecting Withdrawn Posts on Social Platforms.
[Apr’20] Aniket was promoted to be an Associate Professor in the CS department of Purdue University.
[Feb’20] Aniket presented a talk on Blockchain Privacy at 2020 Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Workshop in San Diego.
[Jan’20] The eprint for Reparo was published.
[Oct’19] Aniket presented Multi-Hop Locks for Scalability and Interoperability as Session Chair at Cryptoeconomic Systems Summit ‘19 - Video.
[Sep’19] Duc presented A Tale of Two Trees at [Scaling Bitcoin]
[Aug’19] HoneyBadgerMPC and AsynchroMix: Practical AsynchronousMPC and its Application to Anonymous Communication will appear in CCS 2019.
[Jul’19] Flexible Signatures: Towards Making Authentication Suitable for Real-Time Environments is accepted to appear in ESORICS 19.
[Jul’19] Debajyothi presented Not all is lost for anonymity – but quite a lot is. at HotPETS 19.
[Jul’19] Our work Lethe: Conceal Content Deletion from Persistent Observers was presented at HotPETS 19.
[Jun’19] Our work DLSAG: Non-Interactive Refund Transactions For Interoperable Payment Channels in Monero eprint was released.
[May’19] Our work Towards Automatically Penalizing Multimedia Breaches to appear in IEEESB19.
[Apr’19] Aniket received the 2019 NSF Career Award for Towards Privacy and Availability of Inter-blockchain Communication. News
[Apr’19] Our work Efficient Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Cross-Domains without Trusted Setup eprint was published.
[Feb’19] Cyiu presented Analyzing Semantic Correctness with Symbolic Execution: A Case Study on PKCS#1 v1.5 Signature Verification
[Dec’18] Our work Anonymous Multi-Hop Locks for Blockchain Scalability and Interoperability was accepted to appear at NDSS19.
[Nov’18] Towards a Tokenless IOU Credit Network Realization in Ethereum published as a medium article. Link Project
[Nov’18] Our work Towards Automatically Penalizing Multimedia Breaches eprint released.
[Oct’18] Our work SATE: Robust and Private Allegation Escrows was published.
[Oct’18] Pedro presented Multi-Hop Locks for Secure, Privacy-Preserving and Interoperable Payment-Channel Networks at Scaling Bitcoin 2018.
[Sep’18] Our work Lethe: Conceal Content Deletion from Persistent Observers selected to appear at PETS Symposium 2019.
[Aug’18] Easwar featured in Dfinity’s The people of DFINITY. Youtube
[Jun’18] Pedro presented Multi-Hop Locks in off-the-chain workshop, speaking about multiple improvements for payment channels including better privacy and scriptless scripts with ECDSA.
[May’18] Our work R3C3: Cryptographically secure Censorship Resistant Rendezvous using Cryptocurrencies eprint released.
[May’18] Our work Anonymous Multi-Hop Locks for Blockchain Scalability and Interoperability eprint released.
[May’18] Proposed Scriptless scripts with ECDSA, on how to adapt 2PC 2-of-2 ECDSA scheme to the domain of “scriptless scripts” [Mailing List]
[Apr’18] Our work Flexible Signatures: Towards Making Authentication Suitable for Real-Time Environments eprint released.
[Mar’18] Mind Your Credit: Assessing the Health of the Ripple Credit Network a much improved version (with new analysis) availale online.
[Mar’18] Extended version of Anonymity Trilemma: Strong Anonymity, Low Bandwidth Overhead, Low Latency—Choose Two eprint released.
[Dec’17] Our work Mind Your Credit: Assessing the Health of the Ripple Credit Network accepted to WWW18.
[Dec’17] Our work Settling Payments Fast and Private: Efficient Decentralized Routing for Path-Based Transactions accepted in NDSS Symposium 2018.
[Nov’17] Our work (Concurrency & Privacy with Payment-Channel Networks) in the ACM CCS highlights.
[Oct’17] Our work Concealing Social Content Deletion from Persistent Observers: Forgetting the Forgotten with Letheia eprint released.
[Oct’17] Aniket presented a seminar on Blockchain Privacy: Challenges, Solutions, and Unresolved Issues in Purdue.
[Oct’17] Here are Visual Notes from Aniket’s talk at Purdue University’s conference about BlockChains and CrypoCurrency 🤖
[Sep’17] Anonymity Trilemma: Strong Anonymity, Low Bandwidth Overhead, Low Latency—Choose Two eprint released.
[Sep’17] Settling Payments Fast and Private: Efficient Decentralized Routing for Path-Based Transactions eprint released.
[Aug’17] An extensive version of Concurrency and Privacy with Payment-Channel Networks released.
[Aug’17] Encrypting Messages for Incomplete Chains of Certificates eprint released.
[Jul’17] Debajyothi presented his work on anonymity in PETS 17.
[Jun’17] Aniket will be talking at 2nd Hebrew University Networking Summer about blockchain privacy and credit networks.
[May’17] SymCerts appears at IEEE S&P (Oakland) 2017. [Sze Yiu’s Talk]
[Apr’17] Tim presented two papers at the 4th Workshop on Bitcoin and Blockchain Research. One of them ValueShuffle is receiving attention from the Bitcoin Community.
[Feb’17] We presented two papers P2P Mixing and SilentWhispers at NDSS 2017. [Tim’s Talk] [Pedro’s Slides]
[Jan’17] Pedro gave a talk on Credit Network Privacy at the Real World Cryptography Conference 2017.
[Sep’16] Our work Anonmyous RAM appears at ESORICS 2016.
[Sep’16] A tutorial on Credit Networks is accepted at ACM CCS 2016.
[Sep’16] Aniket will present our work on data privacy at NSF workshop on Data Science for Secure and Privacy-aware (DSSP).
[Aug’16] We are offering undergraduate Computer Security course (CS426) during Fall 2016.
[Jul’16] Aniket will give an invited talk at the DCCL workshop (colocated with PODC 2016’) on decentralized IOU credit networks.
[Jul’16] Our paper on Listening to Whispers of Ripple appeares at PETS 2016.
[Jun’16] Our paper on Forgetting in Social Media appears at Usenix SOUPS 2016.